Thursday, September 17, 2009

Home Tattoo Ink Removal-How long does it take?

Will Home Tattoo Ink Removal take time? Yes, it does move along rather slowly, but the layers of skin that hold the tattoo break down and will cause that unflinching tattoo to lighten eventually. Be aware, home tattoo ink removal is not a quick and easy process, and these lotions do require a commitment of several months. But, home tattoo ink removal is certainly the least laborious, least costly, and most rewarding way to remove an unloved tattoo.

Be aware that it will take time and requires perseverance. In the end, your patience will likely bring you results. As home tattoo fading creams are inexpensive and you have your privacy intact, it is well worth the effort to give it a try.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Home Tattoo Removal Lotion-How it works!

Home Tattoo Removal Lotions are put directly on the the tattoo to make it turnout lighter in appearance. The Home Tattoo Fading lotions incorporate skin lighteners and exfoliating ingredients to lessen the appearance of the tattoo.

The Home Tattoo Removal Lotion does this by agitating your layers of skin. The lotion goes into the top layer, which is called the epidermis layer, and makes it peel away. This exposes the next layer, which is your dermis layer, where your tattoo actually is. Your body then goes to work curing the top skin layer which causes a scab to form and makes part of the dermis (tattoo) level push away too.

when this pulling away occurs, it will cause some of that unloved ink to fade or extract as the scab falls off. Unfortunately, the ability of a Home Tattoo Removal lotion to do it's job will have many factors, including how the ink was applied into the dermis layer when you got that tattoo. The more masterly the job, the better. So, there is some discomfort, but it is a private procedure that you can try at home.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Tattoo Removal-Can it Work for you?

Should you try Home Tattoo Removal? If you old tattoo is an embarrassment to you, a home tattoo removal lotion may just be the answer. There are many over the counter tattoo fading lotions out there, but just what is it these products do and will they work for you?

Now are you hopeful to get instant results, like no tattoo tomorrow? The truth is, don't be fooled by all the hype and sales jargon. It is plainly impossible to get results such as that! There is no home tattoo removal lotion that can immediately or almost overnight fade your tattoo. But, if you are willing to be patient, fading lotions will work over time, usually within 6 months. So, will your tattoo go fully away? Well, the answer is nope, you will still know it's there. The good thing is, others may not notice it at all. So, in the end, if you have a small tattoo that you have changed your mind about, a tattoo fading lotion may work wonders for you.